some of the most relevant press articles about the Network
Founded by 700 participants present at the 1st European Conference (held in Arezzo in November 2003) that, gathered for four days, analysed the evolution of mental health problems, by comparing Models that psychotherapy practicing, together with the research, had developed in recent decades in parallel in Europe and abroad. Thanks to that comparison it was clearly highlighted as some researchers had developed advanced treatment Protocols for specific pathologies, as in the formulation of Communication techniques that dramatically increased the effectiveness and efficiency of the treatments, in organizational and clinical contexts. The pragmatic application of the strategic and systemic approach to human interactions revealed as it is among the most effective operational models to solve interactive and psychopathological problems without any medication. Realizing the scientific relevance and the importance that all this could mean, they decided to create a network called "Network of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy", involving the most illustrious exponents to broaden the research at international level and compare Models in different social contexts and cultures, facilitate publications, organize meetings in order to create an élites of professionals with the aim to promote the development and dissemination of knowledge derived from the development of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy. On that occasion Prof. Giorgio Nardone, Director of Centro di Terapia Strategica in Arezzo was elected unanimously Network Coordinator. Mission
Prof. Giorgio Nardone Coordinator of "Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy World NETWORK" |
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