The Intensive Training Post-Congress, open to Italiani and foreigner Psychologists e Psychotherapists , aims to present the Advanced Brief Strategic Therapy in a three-day format (20-21-22 Ottobre 2014).
This training will provide an opportunity to go into the Evolved Model of Brief Strategic Psychotherapy.
The work done in small groups lead the participants to be able to learn in a short time the intervention protocols, the result of research and clinical practice carried out in the last 20 years at the Center for Strategic Therapy.
This has allowed the evolution of the model in terms of construction of new effective as efficient therapy protocols, as well as the formulation of an advanced form of therapeutic techniques to actually make the first session.
I partecipanti saranno guidati all'apprendimento dei protocolli avanzati di trattamento specifico per:r:
- Phobic disorders
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Eating Disorders
- Relationship problems in different contexts: Family Problems and Conflicts of Couple
- Sexual Disorders
- Attempted Psychosis
The training will be held in groups of up to 15 people and participants will be monitored carefully by a native speaker teacher, under the supervision of prof. Nardone.
The translation will be in English, Spanish, French, German and Russian.
During the morning exemplary cases of treatment will be presented by videotape and DVD, commented on time in order to highlight the strategies and techniques used.
In the afternoon, students will follow live therapies performed by prof. Giorgio Nardone with the specific insights of the teacher.
In summary, the program will be:
- Introduzione ai protocolli specifici e ai modelli avanzati di trattamento
- Studio guidato dei videotape di casi clinici
- Osservazione dei casi dal vivo trattati dal prof. G. Nardone
- Discussione individualizzata del caso
- Incontro finale con il prof. Nardone per parere esperto sul trattamento dei casi
Dates: 20th-21st-22nd October 2014
Venue: Strategic Therapy Center, Piazza S. Agostino, 11 – Arezzo
Timetable: 10,00-19,00
Teachers: Strategic Therapy Center, Piazza S. Agostino, 11 – Arezzo
Registration: membership provides a total cost of € 750,00 + 22% VAT per person
Payment may be made directly to the Institute at the beginning of the course or by bank transfer at
Banca popolare di Cortona, filiale di Arezzo, viale Giotto, 109
IBAN IT 82 C 05496 14100 000010633097 SWIFT POCSIT31019
Diploma: at the end of the course participants will receive a Certificate of Training
Via email
Via fax: +39 0575 350277